SKKA Florida Gallery
Over the years, we enjoy sharing moments with many students, senseis, parents, siblings, friends and community that are very important milestones . Included here for your enjoyment is some recent media. Please leave your comments or drop us a line via e-mail
SKKA Seminar - June 26-28, 2015 - Gardena, CA
SKKAF Seminar - February 2015 - Miami, FL
SKKAF Seminar - March 2014 - Doral, FL
4th Soke Nagamine Memorial - July, 2015 - Cocoa Beach, FL
Shorin-ryu Karate-do and Kobudo Association of Florida
5th Soke Nagamine Memorial - August, 2016 - Cocoa Beach, FL
'Sentido Comun de Gaby' - Self Defense spot - MX